Miraflores, Lima, Peru - Shopping, Juggling and Paragliders

We were recently in Peru for a vacation [May 2013], and stayed in the Miraflores district of Lima for a couple of days. (We stayed at the Marriott, and really enjoyed the the location, the room and the friendly staff.)
While wandering through the mall (built into the side of a cliff!), I ran to the park above us to try to capture some pictures of the coastline. While up there, I saw a group of young men juggling. After watching from a distance for a while, I decided to ask if they minded if I took some pictures. Manuel, the person I talked to happily agreed as long as he got copies.
Because there is a lot of movement and color with the juggling, I thought it was a lot of fun to take pictures and watch. These are a few of my favorites.
This is Manuel, with a lot of clubs flying through the air.
You can tell these guys are having a really good time.
Although there is a lot of concentration involved, it still looks easy.
Around the corner, about a 1/2 mile from the mall, there is a take-off zone for para-gliders. We got a kick out of watching them flying right overhead at the mall. In some cases, we were actually looking down instead of looking up at them.
This was taken at Parque del Amor (Park of love).
Here’s a view from inside the mall, with gliders right over heard
This is the mall built into the cliff.
A view across the water from Miraflores
If you’d like to read more about our trip, see these other posts in the series:
- Miraflores (This Page)
- Atavana Wasi Tocapo
- (Others being rebuit for this platform)